Title: OPH104 Ophthalmic Optics I
Course Description:
This course provides an understanding of the basic properties of light. The principles of geometric optics and refraction and lens shapes are explained. Physical optics, dealing with the wave and particle nature of light, the optical properties of wavelengths, prisms, lenses, and mirrors are presented. These principles are applied to an understanding of human refractive errors and the lenses required to correct them. The knowledge gained will be applied to understanding the lenses used in vision correction for the human eye. Components of the refractive power of the lens will be given, including the sphere, cylinder, axis, and reading addition.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Explain the two theories of light
List in order the colors of the visible spectrum
Differentiate between UV, IR and white light
Explain the concept of velocity of light
Compare the principles of reflection and refraction
Describe the concept of refraction and Snell’s Law
Discuss the index of refraction
Define the path of light as it passes through a prism
Solve problems involving prism
Calculate prism diopters
Calculate magnification
Differentiate the angle of incidence, the angle of reflection and refraction
Solve problems involving objects and images in a plane and curved mirror surface
Differentiate between normal and oblique incidence of light
Identify different lens shapes and refractive power
Discuss the properties of lenses of different refractive media
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course