Interested in enhancing your education or just starting out in the field of Ophthalmology? Tour our course catalogue and then select either a single one-hour refresher class or a full program of courses. Working during the day? No problem! Enjoy and study at your own pace, on your own time, and wherever you are.
About Our Educational Offerings, Classes and Courses
Our classes are taught by a faculty of internationally recognized educators, practicing Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Opticians. We bring an award-winning education right to your door, with proven educational results.
We offer a wide ranging catalog of courses, from one-hour Introductory and Review Classes on Ocular Anatomy, Microbiology and Ocular Pharmacology, to a full course on Skills Enhancement in Ophthalmic Surgery. There is something for everyone. Our offerings change monthly, so should you not find a course that meets your needs today, just let us know.