Title: OPH106 Ophthalmic Lenses
Course Description:
This course presents principles of the focimeter used to analyze prescription eyewear used in the visual correction of the human eye. Multiple lens choices, frame selection and fitting techniques are discussed for lifestyle fitting and dispensing. The principles of frame and lens selection, materials, facial types, safety eyewear considerations and low vision aids are emphasized. For dress and safety eyewear a clear understanding of ANSI standards and rules are presented.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Determine which type of spectacle lens will be best suited for a patient’s needs.
Optical, vocational and cosmetic considerations will be emphasized.
Discuss the various methods of measuring the distance between the pupils at distance and near.
Discuss how spectacle magnification can be used to improve a patient's useable vision.
Discuss how a cylindrical or sphero-cylindrical lens corrects astigmatism and calculate power in different meridians.
Discuss positioning of different multifocal segment types.
Discuss the components of spectacle and dress frames and to assist the patient in selection.
Topics of facial shape, prescription requirements and frame materials will be emphasized.
Explain the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) rules and standards regarding the manufacturing and dispensing of spectacle frames and lenses.
Explain the different forms a spectacle lens may have. Application of these forms
in the correction of vision will be emphasized.
Describe how to neutralize lens power using a focimeter, and how to locate optical
center and major reference point of a spectacle lens.
Recognize and discuss the various forms of multifocal segment.
Describe low vision, and discuss optical devices used for patients with low vision,
as well as non-optical assistance for this class of patients.
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course