Title: OPH107 Ocular Pathology
Course Description:
The course introduces the student to the general concepts of ocular disease and their etiologies. Specific disorders and the various parts of the eye and ocular adnexa that are affected, are discussed in detail. The student will become familiar with diseases including infectious, embryonic, aquired and neoplastic.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Describe the basic management of common ocular disorders seen in the vision care office.
Discuss the examination techniques and the common disorders of the eyelids and lacrimal system.
Discuss the examination techniques and common disorders of the conjunctiva, sclera and episclera.
Discuss the examination techniques and the common disorders of the cornea.
Discuss the examination techniques and common disorders of the uveal tract.
Discuss the examination techniques and common disorders of the crystalline lens.
Discuss the examination techniques and common disorders of the vitreous.
Discuss the examination techniques and common disorders of the retina.
Discuss examination techniques for evaluation of the optic nerve, and describe common disorders of the optic nerve.
Describe examination techniques of the oculomotor system.
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course