Title: OPH108 Ophthalmic Drug Therapy
Course Description:
This course is taught by the author of the widely used textbook, "Ophthalmic Medications and Pharmacology" and will cover the major classes of the commonly used diagnostic and therapeutic drugs for ocular examination and the treatment of eye disease. Routes of administration, mechanism of action, dosing, side effects and therapeutic strategies will be presented. Diagnostic and therapeutic medications will be covered in depth. Students will be able to outline methods used to identify and record ophthalmic and systemic medications and using pharmacologic reference sources, such as Epocrates and the Physician’s Desk Reference.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Describe the major parts of the prescription
Analyze the formulations and classes of ophthalmic drugs
Discuss basic principles of ocular pharmacology
Explain various strategies for pharmaceutical intervention
List the most commonly used drugs for dry eye, allergy and infectious disease
Explain the major categories of Ophthalmic drugs
Describe the meaning of adverse reactions, allergy, off-label use
Discuss the role of industry in drug development
Describe the role of the FDA in drug approval
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course