Title: OPH109 Basics of the Ophthalmic Examination
Course Description:
This course introduces the student to the field of ophthalmic medical assisting. The basic ophthalmic skills of history taking, visual acuity assessment, measuring refractive lenses, ocular and pupillary motility and neuro-ophthalmic assessment are explained. Basic ophthalmic terminology, documentation using the Electronic Health Record and understanding the psychology of the patient are presented.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Explain the rules and regulations and be oriented to the procedures of the vision care clinic.
Explain and practice patient confidentiality
Describe Universal Precautions used in the medical field.
Identify patients by several means.
Explain the importance of obtaining a concise and accurate ophthalmic case history, and demonstrate this skill
Perform a vision acuity assessment on a patient
Assist the physician in the clinical setting
Describe how to perform the basic screening visual exam
Describe the various hand-held and desktop ophthalmic diagnostic instruments
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course