Title: OPH112 Refractometry
Course Description:
This course covers the important theorical, technical and applied components of measuring visual correction. Assessment of uncorrected visual acuity, measuring of existing corrective lenses, objective and subjective measurements of refractive error including sphere, cylinder, astigmatism axis, and the refinement of the vision correction will be emphasized. The principles of refraction are explained using pictures and real-life examples.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Explain the significance of a case history.
Explain the importance of a Snellen eye chart and how to utilize it.
Discuss and explain the anatomy and physiology of the human visual system relating to visual acuity and structures of the human eye.
Explain the theory of light and relate it to the human visual system and refraction.
Compare and contrast different types of astigmatism and the correction of this refractive error.
Identify several different starting points of a refraction.
Predict the type of refractive error of a patient, and estimate the required correction for optimal visual acuity.
Articulate and illustrate the steps of refraction, sphere, cylinder, axis and add power.
Describe and explain the procedure of the testing near visual acuity of a patient. Emphasis is placed on reading correction needed by age, patient's physical characteristics and occupational or recreational needs.
Discuss functional patients, refractive complaints and special problems in performing refractometry.
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course