Title: OPH113 Contact Lenses
Course Description:
This course introduces the student to contact lenses. Relevant anatomy and physiology, corneal shape and how it impacts the refractive properties of the cornea and lens fitting are reviewed. Analysis of contact lens materials, handling techniques, fitting, and care systems are discussed. Techniques for determining the best fit, sharpest visual acuity, and maximum comfort for the patient will be explained and covered step-by-step.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Articulate the history and development of contact lens use and relate the early theories to modern lenses.
Demonstrate the expertise to communicate with contact lens practitioners, laboratories and patients with an understanding of contact lens terminology and abbreviations.
Compare and identify the physical characteristics of various forms of contact lenses available.
Discuss the optical principles involved in fitting contact lenses.
Identify the anatomy of the human eye and its surrounding structures as it relates to contact lenses.
Discuss the importance of the prefitting examination and the recording of information, including selection of appropriate contact lenses for the patient, using an empirical or diagnostic method and record keeping.
Discuss the procedure for fitting contact lenses using trial lens methods based on specific fitting criteria.
Demonstrate the ability to communicate to the patient the proper placement, insertion, removal and care of contact lenses as well as educating the patient to the signs and symptoms of contact lens related problems.
Demonstrate knowledge of contact lens cleaning, care and disinfection systems. Solutions are presented for comparison.
Describe contact lens related problems: over-wear syndrome, intolerance issues associated with solutions and corneal changes.
Discuss the emergency procedures for contact lens related problems during office hours and after hours.
Discuss specialty contact lenses, challenging cases, follow up procedures and how wearing a contact lens may affect ocular health.
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course