Title: OPH114 Clinical Ophthalmology
Course Description:
This course is a seminar in the advanced techniques of the work-up and diagnosis of the ophthalmic patient. Emphasis will be placed on the proper introduction to the patient, history taking, review of systems, past medical history, allergies, past ocular history and medications. The student will then work-up the patient with a virtual clinical vision screening examination followed by the slit-lamp examination of the anterior segment and finally post-dilation examination of the optic nerve and ocular fundus. A selection of diagnostic tests will be available to rule-in or rule-out the differential diagnosis. The student will then formulate the assessment of the patient and the plan and will enter the data into a virtual Electronic Health Record. The patient’s work-up will be presented and the results of their findings submitted as a Case Report.
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of taking this course the student will be able to:
Discuss and explain the approach to the ophthalmic patient
Explain the reasoning behind a diagnostic work-up
Perform the screening visual examination, slit lamp, and funduscopic examinations
Outline the steps in the SOAP system of Electronic Medical Records
List the steps of Electronic Prescribing
Understand the HIPAA laws and how they apply to the examination and records
Certificate of Completion after Satisfactory Completion of Course